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Monday, March 28, 2005

Laptop and I - Lets reName

nitboss: hey, do u think, its a good idea to rename my blog?
laptop: watever, what were you thinking of?

nitboss: how about "the 'in/out' thing"?
laptop: whats that?

nitboss: i was trying to ridicule the other nithin dude, who has the site "the 'in' thing"
nitboss: do you remember the in/out thing in Clockwork Orange, ha ha. that was funny

laptop: ofcourse, it was real horrorshow, look what I found on that book
laptop: but its not cool enough. u can do much baddiwad

nitboss: how about "The (ni)Thin Red Line" ?
laptop: Red? how about the Black Line, thats what you look like.

nitboss: it depends on your perspective, if you sit on that stupid coffee table all the time, I am sure your view of life is distorted.
laptop: correct, from where I sit, you look like a black dot.

nitboss: now you see my point. ha ha ha!!
laptop: sad joke. i am switching off ....

Friday, March 25, 2005

Laptop and I - Intro

I have been conversing with my laptop for a month now, I wasnt sure I had actually gone crazy or was it something real. So, I did not publish anything on that topic. I dint want to be made fun of, like that kid who sees "dead people" in Sixth Sense.

So, I waited and waited to see if it continues and if it is some kind of a male PMS thing. But I am still talking to my laptop, and I have realized it has a sense of humor too, probably worse than mine.

Am I like Calvin and is my laptop, like a tiger which likes Tuna sandwich? time will tell.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

What People Write!

I just cant fathom some of the topics people write on, what were they thinking, (hey, I think of the same things, I am just not smart enough to do market it :)

Much more mysterious reasons are the ones which the editors and publishers used to go forward with such undertakings. Either way, its funny to see their covers :)

* Up Shit Creek: A Collection of Horrifyingly True Wilderness Toilet Misadventures by Joe Lindsay
* How to Have Sex in the Woods by Luann Colombo
* How to Die in the Outdoors: 100 Interesting Ways by Buck Tilton
* The Original Road Kill Cookbook by Buck Peterson
* Who Cut the Cheese: A Cultural History of the Fart by Jim Dawson
* Sex in the Outdoors: A Humorous Approach to Recreation by Robert Rose

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Mol Musings II

Q. Whats the difference between lifting 130 pound weights and lifting a 130 lb girl?
A. One is a dead weight, other is a head weight.

Who else can come with up such stuff, but the mighty mol

Mere bheja mat chAt-na

Really hilarious chat transcripts from IRC, found this on Bharat Rakshak Forums posted by 'Ragav' and thanks to Mol

Here are some the best ones:


##[TN]FBMachine## i got kicked out of barnes and noble once for moving
all the bibles into the fiction section

#328464 +(3651)- [X]

SparTacus ( has joined
*SparTacus is now known as Betty_Guns
wacko Jacko ( has joined
##wacko_jacko##ok spartacus just came n here i know it. which one of you
is that loser?
##hunney## I am spartacus
##ji_pper##no im spartacus
##betty_guns##I am spartacus
##mistr##I'm spartacus
##wacko_jacko##ur all freaks thats what u r

#139697 +(3890)- [X]

##frank## can you help me install GTA3?
##knightmare## first, shut down all programs you aren't using
frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
##knightmare## ...

#244321 +(8188)- [X]

##cthon98## hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars
##cthon98## ********* see!
##azurediamond## hunter2
##azurediamond## doesnt look like stars to me
##cthon98## ##azurediamond## *******
##cthon98## thats what I see
##azurediamond## oh, really?
##cthon98## Absolutely
##azurediamond## you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2
##azurediamond## haha, does that look funny to you?
##cthon98## lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as
##azurediamond## thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that
##cthon98## yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show
to us as *******
##azurediamond## awesome!
##azurediamond## wait, how do you know my pw?
##cthon98## er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU
as hunter2 cause its your pw
##azurediamond## oh, ok.

Trikkz R 4 Kidz: YO
Trikkz R 4 Kidz: WASSUP?
tetsu2051: presumably not your shift key

##kk## Anyone here speak Spanish?
##ste## i do
##kk## Shut up. You can't even speak English.
##ste## thats cuz i spanish

##nash## YES! they caught the bastard who made the blaster virus
##nash## looks like he will be getting 10 yrs max in prison
##ddr4life## serves him right
##dross## Someone is soon going to discover how strangely painful the shower hour in prison is
##firingsquad## He'll probably catch a different type of virus in prison
##lexiusthegenuis## poor kids virginity is going to the recycle bin
##sczoyd## cellmates will probably be giving him some rather large uploads
##antibig## theyll be installing some new hardware in his rectum
##firingsquad## looks like his unprotected port is going to be probed
##sczoyd## I hope he doesnt mind other men using his hard drive
##jsp## a roll like him is going to get rolled a lot
##sczoyd## his prison mates are going to have a lot of fun with their new laptop
##shinkurro## someone will find out a new way to spread viruses
##nash## okay, that wasn't really called for.

##lunchbox## The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner.

---------------- All time best ------------
##samwise## And if not for a beard, what can you stroke while thinking?
##jacquilyn## Depends what you're thinking about.

Mol Musings

This is first in the series of Mol Musings, the side-lock villian. You can reach him directly at

Q. Why is the earth round in shape?
A. Because grass is always greener on the other side!!


Friday, March 18, 2005

Back with a ...

Ah! its been a while. let me stretch my muscles

Some PJs from nitboss

Q. Why do you need a batsmen to hit a ball with a bat?
A. Well, the bat cant hit the ball by itself, its blind (as a bat)

Q. What should you do if your boss plays hardball with you?
A. Hit him back with a softball

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Here are some good quotes from standup cartoons and other wise guys.

"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named 'Bush', 'Dick', and 'Colon'."
--- Chris Rock

"When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her."
--- Sacha Guitry.

"Alimony is like buying hay for a dead horse."
--- Groucho Marx.

"The only way you can beat the lawyers is to die with nothing."
--- Will Rogers.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Grass is greener

Well an old adage, so how are you supposed to feel when someone says this to you. Should you feel bad or if likes not bad or does it make you feel good?

Well, for me, I am glad that grass is greener on the other side, so that makes my grass not as green, so its probably brown, wilting, dry. Wow, its almost ready to be burnt, if you know what I mean.

Talk about perspectives in life!!