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Thursday, July 12, 2007


As per Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary afterthought is:

Main Entry: af·ter·thought
Pronunciation: -"thot
Function: noun
1 : an idea occurring later
2 : something (as a part or feature) not thought of originally : something secondary

As per my definition, afterthoughts are moments of small but annoying pain, realization, moments of clarity. I searched online for afterthought and I do not see any research done on this aspect of human cognizant life. There are two possibilities of how our civilization could have trodden down this path of apathy towards afterthought.

1. May researches considered afterthought as their topic to spend government and industrial funds aimlessly and as an afterthought did not bother to pursue it.
2. Or may be no one ever considered afterthought as an interesting topic of discussion. This could only result in someone in afterthought realizing about it, spending their lives on it and right before publishing their results in afterthought about the afterthought chosen to abandon the idea. (read on for why this could have happened)

In short, I hate afterthoughts and they seem to be following me everywhere I go and popping up in the most simple and inane situations. I also notice that the hatred towards afterthoughts decrease with time. That I think is the key to why so many decisions don't look as bad as they should after having more water down the bridge.

Nyways, I started out wanting to rant more, but as a prethought, I shall stop.


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