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Thursday, August 30, 2007

why should mobile software cost so much

A simple notepad application is not packaged default with Windows Mobile. How much does it cost to get one of them, $14.95.
How much would it cost if you were using a Windows Vista/XP to find a notepad application, typically free.
So why the disparity?

I have a few theories, but as always they are my theories and hold little water (or gas) :)
1. The customer base for Mobile software is much smaller than that of desktops/laptops
2. The mobile OS landscape is very segmented and there is no single giant market share holder, to make it easier for people to build free applications
3. Probably the OS vendors charge money to provide their API and simulators for people to build software and test them

However, here are some reasons why, it should be not that difficult to build these applications
1. Mobile applications tend to be simple and not a whole lots of bells and whistles and should not take a man-year to build them
2. Java is available on almost every single smartphone in the market. So, the OS landscape should not matter to anyone.

Reality: they still cost a bank. and my question still remains....