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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

nlog zeitgeist

When I looked at my blog posts, the page said I had 100 entries. I was shocked, that I had rambled off so much, without anyone caring or wanting me to :)

Knowing I have been quiet and giving the world what it deserves (less of my crap), I set out to plot my trend of how many posts do I have every month. Oh boy, this is what I ended up with. I thought I was better at Excel that I just realized. Had to spend almost ten minutes to get this friggin graph paint, the way I wanted it to. Darn, thats one more thing I "think" I know, but I dont. (someone call me out on my English, but then, I am a fob)

Now, its time to shi*, sha** and sha* before I head off to work.

working ..... out......

i think its time someone creates a service or a mechanism that lets you think about working out and your body actually gets some exercise.

i certainly would be the first subscriber (if no one beats me to it, which has never happened to me...., i am a nice guy, so i tend to finish last and start late as well).

this morning i woke up at 7am, but did not really get off from my bed for an hour. i was thinking about working out. wow, i feel so fresh already. if i had this new new mechanism, i could have run a few miles and benched a few pounds (definition of few: an indefinite but relatively small number;)

alas, i have to go out to work out. which is something i swore i would do this year, but i live in this alternative world on a far off frozen planet where a year last only a week.