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Wednesday, February 22, 2006


word of the day, or the year, depends on how you look like it.

so boondoggle, the word, which I got to know only today, thanks to my moutain of ignorance, sums my life up.

what a waste of time even writing this blog....

Saturday, February 18, 2006

laser monks

well, i was pleasantly suprised when i was reading the flight magazine, which i had read twice before and discovered an unread interesting story. it was about these eight monks in wisconsin who have a multi million dollar office supplies business.

wow, a non-profit organization that has 20 warehouses across the country and is expected to have a $10 million sales soon. their mission, eliminate high markups on every day supplies needed for offices and the best part no advertising. supposedly its word of mouth, which is probably the best marketing strategy.

here is their website

the only problem, i could not find a good deal on my ink catridge. well....

Sunday, February 12, 2006

not a puzzle

I have told most of the people I know already about this puzzle, but still wanted to blog about it.
Friend of mine got me hooked onto it and every weekend, I spend atleast couple of hours on this site.

Supposedly one of the toughest puzzles online and the inspiration for many other famous puzzles. Only 94 people have been certificated for finishing the game for the first few months of its creation. That's about 0.001% of all. Notpron has 138 levels. 35 positive, after which there are 35 negative and once you solve all of them, you enter the greek levels. I am far from them right now.

Here is the starting page notpron and here is the forum which has hints to solve the levels, but no spoilers.