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Tuesday, November 29, 2005

you nutty boy ....

i really have sympathies to people who have all these crazy allergies, to peanuts, strawberries. Can you believe a girl died of kissing her boyfriend, because he had eaten peanut butter 9 hours back? wow.

some people are allergic to metals, so they cant wear watches or rings or metal frames. I wonder if they can sit on metal furniture or use metal levers to open doors. How would you take a shower, if you cant turn the knob without becoming a pickle.

and me, I am allergic to people, I make better with inanimate things :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

cancel my subscription, I dont need your issues

Some Tantra like T-shirts, I have a fascination for funny wears, not sure why!!

what time is it?

Q: If you ask someone what time is it right now and they answer that it depends which country you are from, where are you right now?

A: South Pole.

Quite interesting actually, that even though South pole can be included into all timezones, for US and NZ, it follows NZ times. Which is probably fine. But other countries that have stations supposedly choose to use their native country's time, supposedly to make communication easier.

So do they sleep also, based on which country they are from? That would be funny. I would wonder what kind of a jet lag you have there.

More information here

Also a nice webcam of south pole